A wise person once said. “Family makes this house a home”. And that's what I stand by. Because it's true, a big empty house isn't a home, it's just a building. Today I’ll share about my home, my happy place. The one place I'm always welcomed.
I’ll admit it, home can sometimes be
frustrating, and I get it, but that doesn't mean we should stop loving, caring, and helping. It means we should keep going, it's our motivation, our movement, our hope! Time and time again, as the world changes and shapes, we shape ourselves because of our inspiration, our family. And family is the meaning of home! Because to me, all of our power is strengthened by our Family! Home is love, and love is the sound of laughter and a friendship that never ends, because family never ends, and nor does your home.
I have also written a piece about love, and love IS the meaning of home. Your home's main purpose is to make memories, and it will and will never stop, i have so many memories because of my home! Because home is home, and that is that.
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