A Home Like Me
Some call it
A place
A person
And even a thing
But, for me...
Home is a place where I wake up to see
The sunlight glistening on the freshly fallen snow
Home is the warm bed I crawl out of
And the steamy shower I take in the mornings
Home is the cheesy breakfast of scrambled eggs and fried plantains
Sitting on the table
Home is silly siblings screaming about everything and nothing
Home is watching my pet fish swim around in circles all day
Home is long road trips with family, endless rows of towering trees
Swimming in clear, gentle lakes, and smoking campfires at night
Home is warm hugs from my parents
Home is a feeling of belonging, joy and love
Home is being able to talk about your feelings and know you are heard
Home is the freedom to cry on someone's shoulder
Home is loud, crazy laughter shaking the room
Home is being who you truly are with no fear of being judged
Home is what I wish for everyone in this world
A refuge from this sometimes confusing, crazy earth
Home is a place where you are included, embraced and celebrated
For your unique talents, features, and just being you
I earnestly hope that whoever you are and wherever you be
You will be blessed
With a home
Like me
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