Why is home so important?
Hi, I’m Carson and I’m 9 years old. Why is home so important? It's important because it’s where you’re protected, where you feel comfortable and loved. It’s where your mom cooks your favorite food and where you have family campfires with roasted marshmallows or hot dogs. Home is where you smell your mom’s candles,where your cozy bed is, and most important of all... memories.
A house has 4 walls and a roof but a home is memories and where you live.
What I love about my home is the smell and taste of my mom and dad’s homemade pancakes,the smell of my mom’s candles,and the taste of my mom’s baking. I like how it feels to be home, how my bed feels, the sound of joy and the sound of me and my brother playing mini sticks together. What my home looks like and what my bedroom looks like.
Sometimes I stop and think about people that could be homeless and how they have to deal with it. I don't think anyone would like to be homeless.
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