My Home
How do you Know what home means to you? It means…..When I need comfort I can go see my mom or dad or my brother. When I'm scared I can hug my family and they will make me happy and feel better. If I'm hungry I can open my fridge and grab a good healthy snack. My family means love like when they notice my weaknesses and my strengths. My family will help me move on and get better at whatever I need to work on. When I'm tired I can go lay down in my cozy room or my backyard. My home is filled with celebrations like when it’s my birthday and I know how old I am. For Christmas we are loved but ... I feel love all the time. I can play with my toys and I can do it for hours. When I give someone love and hugs and peace, I feel loved too because it feels good giving someone else love. My home is much more than everything I said.