Meaning of home!

Home to me feels loving and welcoming, but a house feels like a structure. A home is a place that I can feel safe in, but a house is a place that has furniture. At my home I can make memories, but at my house is a place that I can decorate it so it can feel like home. A home feels comfortable, but a house just has a roof. A home is where my friends and family can feel safe, but a house is not done getting built. A home is where I can put anything special and meaningful in. My home is a comfy and cozy place. At my home I have a basketball net. My family loves basketball so that makes my home very special. I would love to help someone get a home. I love giving. A home is a place where someone can have a long day of work and be happy to come home to their house. Home is a very special word. I only would use the word home if I really meant it. I can call my house a home because it’s a place that I am thinking about all day at school “Am so excited to go home and lay on my bed!


Grade 6

Beaver Bank, Nova Scotia

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