Meaning of home

The place where I call home isn't just a structure with walls and doors, the place where I call home is filled with memories and laughter. The place where I call home is filled with love, happiness, and joy. I always feel welcome when I wake up in the morning, and when I get home from school each day. With delicious meals to share, and conversation to spread around the table. The place where I call home is filled with loving and caring friends and family. With people there when I wake up in the morning, and when I go to bed at night. A cold glass of milk to drink, and an occasional cookie or two to share. The happiness after a long day of school, to walk in the door to see my mom. The excitement when my dad comes home after a long day of work. The thoughts, spiraling through my head of the activities we could do all together. The place where I call home is filled with warm smells and a great climate that I enjoy. The warm smells of the burning candle in the kitchen while I watch TV in my living room. The warm house in the winter, and the cool house in the summer make me feel calm and relaxed. My warm blankets fill the bed each night that I curl into as I drift off to sleep with dreams filling my head. To me, a home sounds like a dark place with no love or family. I would feel sad with no house to call home so I think everyone should feel happy in their home. Overall, I don't think a home comes from the tangible items that you can touch, I think home comes from the love shared.


Grade 6

Beaver Bank, Nova Scotia

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