Home sweet home.Home to me is a place where I feel safe . I am going to talk about 3 things about home that mean alot to me. My PROVINCE MY COUNTRY and my FAMILY MY PROVINCE I Live in NOVA SCOTIA. in Nova Scotia there are so many good memories like this summer when you go outside goto the beach with my friends and go on the hot sand on your feet and when you go on your boogie board and go over the big waves. And then when you go to the store to get cold ice cream. But Nova Scotia is one province where you could go out one day and it could be a nice day but the next day it could be raining outside. That's NOVA SCOTIA!!!!! MY COUNTRY CANADA CANADA is home to me.Home to me is when you get that one chance to go outside and have a cold fresh breath of ari that's home to me. In Canada there are so many good memories like the one time when I went to my first rock climbing wall and the time when I got to go to my first big hockey game THATS CANADA!!!!!!! MY FAMILY In my family there are 4 people: my mom, my dad, my sister and me of course. In my family there are a lot of fun things to do like when me and my mom go for car rides together. And when me and my dad go fishing in the summer. And when all of my good friends come over, that's when I feel good. But mostly when I feel good it's when me and my mom, dad and sister go for walks on the golf cours with my dogs.the end……….


Grade 6

Beaverbank, Nova Scotia

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