Home The best place you can be!
Home to me is Province, pets and most importantly family!
Family is home to me because that's where I feel safe and happy. They help me when I'm down. I have fun with them and they take me to extraordinary places and care for me alot. I don't know what I would do without them.
Woof! Meow. Squeak! I've had a few pets which feel like home to me. I care and love them so much they make me feel at home and comfortable. I'm really glad I have/ had them and I love them so very much. I've had fish, Morris the cat who,
died at age 17 sadly, a hamster named Mikey/Mike/Micheal who also sadly died at age 3, and now I have 2 kittens that I got on christmas eve 2022. So far all of my pets lived very VERY long lives and I really hope that luck continues.
And last but not least province! Nova Scotia is home to me because it's so nice! It has the beautiful beaches, a lot of lighthouses, Halifax, and it's the home of Africville! It's home to me. I was born and raised here as a Nova Scotian and I'm proud to be Nova Scotian! Nova Scotia has all my friends and family!.. well most of it, I also have family in P.E.I and Newfoundland. But my point is I'm happy where I am and Nova Scotia is home to me!
Home The best place you can be!
Home to me is Province, pets and most importantly family!
That's the meaning of home to me and I'm very happy and proud of where and who I am. I hope you are too. Because you should be.
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