A Homey Day

I wake up to the dim glow of my hallway and the sound of my mom making breakfast downstairs. At first I'm sad because I have to go to school today, but I quickly get lost in the warmth of my blankets. I walk down the stairs to see my mom sitting at the table, I remember memories of dinner time, and playing board games with my family. I pour myself a bowl of cereal and sit down at the table Next my dad comes in and makes a joke, which reminds me of all the other jokes he's made, some are funny but some are corny. After breakfast I go and look out the living room window. Memories of playing in the grass and having dinner at the picnic table flood into my mind After that I walk to school. I see the house of the neighbors that are also part of the community I call home. When I get to school I am greeted by my classmates and we spend the rest of the day learning until it's 3:00 and time to go home. Me and my friend talk and laugh as we walk home. When we get to my house we say goodbye. Then I open the door and walk into the safety of my home again. Later, after I'm done with my homework I walk downstairs to smell the delicious sauce that will be on spaghetti we are going to eat for dinner. We all sit down at the table and share what happened during our day as we eat. I start to get warm fuzzy memories of dinners like these. After a while of watching my favorite shows, I head upstairs and brush my teeth and put my PJs on. Then I go to sleep. Everybody needs days like these. And Habitat for humanity is helping by making affordable housing so more people go to bed feeling warm and safe instead of cold and scared. Home means family, love, and safety and home means the world to me, and should for everyone else too.


Grade 6

Halifax, Nova Scotia

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