Meaning of Home
In my home I have an xbox and my mom is really nice. Also in my house I have a fake fireplace and a 2k smart tv. I have an ipad. I also have a comfy bed and a futon. It can be a mattress and a couch. It is leather. I also have a gaming chair and I have a pet gecko and bird. I also have a Nintendo switch. I have 2 sisters but they don't live with me and I have my friends. I just really love that my house is really awesome and comfortable. I have a cool blanket that has Spider-Man on it. I also have a pillow and it's soft. In the house I have bunk beds even though I'm the only one that lives in my house as a kid. My mom stays in the kitchen while I play games. In the living room my mom lets me have three TVs And she lets me have a playroom and it's really nice. My mom is the best mom on this planet. I used to have a swing but it fell. We also have a shed with my bike in it for the summer and a picnic table. Also in the summer I get a new pool. It has to be a non permanent pool because we live in low income housing. It's really not that bad because my house is pretty big. It has a lot of bedrooms. It's the second house that I moved to since I came from Alberta. It is way bigger than my last house. My mom's friend used to call it a lunch box. I am feeling happy with this house, but I've asked my mom to move to Alberta Again. I have a big backyard. I have really good friends in my neighborhood, but it's not the best neighborhood sometimes. We also have a cul-de-sac up at the top where I ride my bike in loops in the summer. We also do it in the summer and tag. In the winter there's a lot of snow. The winter is fun because there are snowballs and sliding with my crazy carpet. It is a really good time in the snow And sometimes in the winter I stay inside my house because it is very warm in there and cozy and I got my xbox to play on.
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