The Meaning of Home
I have a house. A house is different from a home. A house is what you live inside of, but a home is not just a house, it is the space surrounding it, the people inside it, and even the people outside the house, that you have close relationships with.
It is the memories made inside and outside the house, it is the love that is felt inside and outside the house.
Many people move away from their homes every year. I know how it feels. You feel a sense of loss and longing when you look back at the place where you shared all your memories with the people you love, for the last time. The small forest, where you and your friends used to meet to have nature club meetings. Your school, where your parents would come and pick you up after a long day. You drive past your friend's house; you picture you and your friend running through the sprinkler and singing your favorite songs. Your favorite restaurant, where you went every year on your birthday.
That happened to me. When I moved to my new house, I felt scared and worried. I thought I wasn’t going to make any friends; I thought I would have a hard time in school, trying to get used to the new region.
It has been five months since I got here, I still miss my home in Ontario. I always will; but I have a fresh start. A new home. And I’m liking it a lot so far.
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