What Home Means to Me

Home is very special to me,a house and home are very different..Home is made of family. Home is something that you feel in a family kind of way. To me home is me playing with my sister and laughing at each other. Home to me is coming home to see people I love so much, my family. Home to me means family. Home to me is helping my mother or father cook our favourite food for dinner. Home to me is being all together as a family having fun doing whatever makes us happy. Home to me is playing family party games. Home to me is baking cookies and special treats with the whole family.Home to me is hugging each other after a long tiring day. Home to me is hearing the people you love saying “I love you”. Home to me is waking up to smell delicious food for breakfast. Home to me is watching a movie together as a family. Home to me is where your heart is, it makes you feel good,it’s where your family is, Home means everything to me. Home to me is drinking hot chocolate with your loved ones on a snowy cold day. Home to me is being excited about everything. Home to me is where we forgive each other no matter what happens in our household. Home to me is gathering all together at the same time at the dinner table or anywhere else.Home to me is listening to the people that are talking to you. Home is a feeling not a house.


Grade 6

Halifax, Nova Scotia

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