Where I Used To Live
Sneakers pad on sidewalk
Bikes ride
Kids play on the green plastic structure
Surrounded by apartments and neighbors
Safe in the square of buildings
I watch
I have lived here for years
My siblings have lived here for years
I remember Dad telling me
When I was not born, he and Mom moved
All the way across Canada
To here
The buildings we cried, laughed and lived in
The swings on one side of the playground
Where my dad pushed me on Chinese New Year
The blue zip line where my friends and I
Would search for pebbles
And lay them out in the sun
The monkey bars where me and my friend
Saw the sunset for the very first time
The green playground where we played hide and seek
And now my family is ready to leave it behind
A fresh start
To Crawfordsville
Three hours has never seemed so far away
Friends give gifts
Tell jokes
Laugh with us
Making the best of the time we have left
I am only five
But big enough to understand
I am leaving these memories behind
My throat seems to close in
And I gaze at my community
My neighbors
My friends
They may not be family
But they feel like it
These are the people who raised me
These are the people who cared
And even though I do not live here
I will forever call it home
And years later
When the green structure crumbles
And my old apartment falls
I will still remember
My home
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