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Meaning of Home

The meaning of home is not always the same to different people. So I am going to ask 5 people, including myself, 4 different questions about the meaning of home to them. I will be asking myself, my Aunt, my Uncle, my Grandma, and my Grandpa. I chose people who range in age from 10 to 60. I thought including many perspectives would show how the meaning of home can change. I interviewed myself first. I started with, what is the meaning of home to you? To me, home is food and family. The second question I asked was, when you think of home, do you think of a physical place? My answer was yes, and I also think of my neighbourhood. The third question I asked was, when you think of home do you think of people, if so, who do you think of, and why do you think of them? I said that I do think of people I think of my family and friends because those are the people that live with me and are around me The final question I asked was, do you feel any emotions when you think of home, if so, what are they? I answered with, I feel love and happiness. I am not the only one I asked these questions to, I asked my Aunt and Uncle what their answers were to these questions. My Aunts answer to the meaning of home is family and Sunday supper [which is a tradition in my family]. My Uncle said that he thinks that the meaning of home is family, comfort and delicious food. Both my Aunt and Uncle agreed that, yes, a home is a physical place. My Uncle said, that the people he thinks of are his wife and his two boys, he thinks of these people because they are the people he loves. For question three, my Aunt thinks of family because they live with her. My Uncle said, that the people he thinks of are his wife and his two boys, he thinks of these people because they are the people he loves. The final question I asked her was when you think of home, do you think of any emotions? My Aunt said that she thinks of love and food. His final answer was that he feels happy, love, and comfort when he thinks of home. The last two people I interviewed were my Grandparents, who had similar answers. The first question I asked them was, what is the meaning of home to you? My Grandma said that home is family, and my Grandpa answered that home is my house. The second question I asked was when you think of home, do you think of a physical place? My Grandma said that home is the place we gather, and my. Grandpa said that home is where you hang your hat. For the third question, they both answered that they think of family because it makes my Grandma feel humble and makes her heart warm, my Grandpa said those are the people he loves. The final question I asked was when you think of home do you think of any emotions, if so, what are they? They both said they think of love. Even though I asked 3 completely different age groups the same questions, and they all gave me different answers, I noticed something. That at least one time during the interviews each person mentioned a connection with love. Whether it was my Aunt who talked about her love for food, or when my Grandma and me spoke about how we think of home, there is an emotional connection with love. Love was mentioned throughout the ages as an important piece in describing the meaning of home. After looking at all these different responses, I realized that there is not a right or wrong answer to the meaning of home. Instead, it will always include the love of people.


Grade 5

Woodstock, Ontario

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