my safe place
To me Home means to me spending time with family and playing games with my brother and sister. Eating food with my family at the diner table. Having books and toys to play with and read. My home means love, care and support. Home means I can feel safe and I can share bad news with my family and they will help me if needed. I have all my belongings at home. There's is chaos in my home but that is what makes it home. And I have my trampoline in the backyard and friends around the neighborhood. I have my mom and dad, and my mom and dad make dinner every night so that I can go to bed with a full stomach. Home is the place where friends come over and play, the place where I sleep at night, and the place where I eat breakfast in the morning to get a good education. My home wouldn't be home if I didn't feel safe, loved or cared for. My home is where my mom and dad help me do homework every night, where I get tucked into bed every night. My home would just be a house if I didn't have all the people in it today, all of the care, love and support. At home I have activities so I don't get bored. My mom and I play games on Mondays after school sometimes. And that makes my home what it is. It's all the love that I get to experience with my family, all the activities and movies we watch on weekends. I love all the care that we give at home. if we didn't care or love each other it would be more like a house. And that is why home feels like home.
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