The Meaning of Home
Home: It’s a word with so many meanings,
But to me it means family, warmth and comforting feelings,
A place where I know I am safe and secure,
Where I grow, and I learn, and of this I am sure.
As my life moves forward,
My address may be new,
But wherever I am, I know this to be true,
The people around me will reassure
I am safe and content, I know this for sure.
A home is the place where there’s love and kindness,
A place where there’s neighbor's to help with your labors,
A community, a place where people come together and help each other
Where I know I am looked after, by my friends and father and mother.
Home is where my heart lies, where I imagine, and design and create.
My home is a structure, a building, where I sleep, and I play,
Home is a shelter, a place to stay,
Home is a happy place, home is a dependable place.
Home is a blessing, a reminder of the many things
I am thankful for.
When I think of the people who are cold on the street,
With no place to go, I am sad, and this is why I write this poem,
To help them build a house, a place to call home,
A place to build a happy life, as the years unfold.
And you can help, it doesn't matter if you're young or old!
Home is word with so many meanings,
But the important thing is,
It has many happy feelings,
A place to be happy, and warm, and undivided,
This word may be short, only four letters long,
But, if you think about it, the meaning sure is mighty.