The meaning of home
Home can mean anything to anyone anywhere in the world. Home can be a place of comfort, safety, love, care and many more things that can make home the best place in the world, but home can also mean hate, discomfort, abuse, and other horrible things that can make home the last place that you want to be. I am lucky, because for me home is many things, all of them positive, but most of all, home is safety, love and childhood. That is what I will be talking about in this essay.
My home is safe and safety is one of the most important things about home to me. Safety makes me feel comforted and calm, thankful, warm and loved. Unsafe homes are not practical or comfortable and often lack or have very outdated heating systems. In very poor rural areas in some places people freeze to death inside of their own homes. Me, and everyone else that I know are lucky, but not everyone is lucky enough to have access to a safe and secure home.
Love. Home without loving people around you can barely be called home to someone like me, but for some that is reality. Love is family. Love is being ACCEPTED for who you are as a human being. Some people do not feel loved, or accepted, or cared for and that is a big problem because behavior like that, not always, but in many cases, is passed down by generation because young adults who were not loved as children begin to think that children being treated like that is okay, which is not only hurting the young adult psychologically, but also there children, and there children and so on and so on. It is like a disease that potentially gets passed down for generations to come.
I am a 11 year old writing this, meaning that I am still a child, and therefore I can in my childhood. Everything about my childhood will forever affect me in great ways, these are a few examples of things that I WILL enjoy forever because of my childhood, things like camping, playing with friends in the snow and on snowbanks. Childhood is supposed to be a time for children to LEARN and HAVE FUN at the same time, and for some, you get to do none of those things. Childhood is home to me.
Home can mean anything to anyone anywhere in the world and home is not always a warm safe comfortable place. To me home means safety, love and childhood. I really wish that all people in the world have a lovely home, and luckily we have wonderful charitable organizations just like Habitat for humanity. In my opinion, the definition of a successful life is leaving the world better than you found it. And that is exactly what Millard and Linda Fuller have done.
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