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In Search To Find The Meaning of Home

It all started at school, where teachers were teaching, and students were learning. I was sitting in my chair waiting and waiting for a new assignment, and suddenly it happened. I was so happy about it. Wait a minute. I cannot believe that I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Ava Adams. I am a ten-year-old girl that lives in Toronto, Canada. I am so sorry about that. I guess I got a little carried away. I mean, I waited so long in school that I can’t wait for another second. Okay, cool down. We will make it to the end eventually. Anyhow, let’s get back to the story. We finally got our assignment. Was it about the meaning of home? I thought about it for a second, and I got it. It is where we live, I said to the teacher. Not quite, Mrs. Smith said with a giggle. I was so confused. You have no idea. I leaned towards my friend Avery and asked what she thought about it. She said, “I have no idea". So, I came home and asked Google, Siri, Alexa, and mom, but still no convincing answer. My parents and I were going on a business trip to India for one month or maybe more. Time flew by, and it was already the end of the week. Still no convincing answer, but it was time for the trip to India. This guy bumped me with his luggage. Oh, did I mention we were at the airport? Yes, no, maybe so well anyway now you do know. And boy, is it crowded. Yes, it is. I can’t even see my mom three feet away from me, but I can see six people in front of me. Fast forward two hours later, we are on the plane. I looked around and tried to find our seats. My dad showed mom and me the seats, my jaw drops…. First-class!!! I like mom and dad’s new job; I mean a free trip to India and first-class this is living the life. We finally landed in India in one day, and man, it was hot, way too hot for someone born and living in Canada. We have only been in India for twenty minutes, and I am already sweating. Oh, and I found out we are going to stay in India! Everything was going great, but it took us two hours to get to the hotel, and the taxi driver asked for ten thousand rupees (two hundred dollars), and since we had just come, that was all we had. Oh, and did I mention that our luck just got worse? Well, it did. All the rooms were booked. "But we reserved one," said dad puzzled, but the lobby attendant said “I am very sorry” You took too long. I cannot help. You come in a few months, and Maybe I can give you a room. We left the hotel and started searching for some more, but all of them were booked, and we had no place to go, and it was getting dark, but maybe our luck was turning around we found a lovely man, and he let us stay in his house. How nice of him, but it turned out that he lived in the middle of the forest wait, no not any forest, the only and creepiest forest I have ever seen. The next day, I slept in because I could barely sleep at night, and mom and dad had already left to meet with their clients, and I was stuck at home alone because the nice man stays in the forest (which makes no sense to me, because his house is practically in the middle of it). But on another hand, what in the world am I supposed to do! I tried everything I could. I made pancakes, bracelets, and so much more seriously. I could write a three-page essay on it, but I will not, so I can save you two to four hours. I did not know what to do, so I thought I would see what the old man was up to, and he taught me how to play with animals without hurting them and how to understand them. I have never loved to be in the wild more than I do now. At dinner I told my parents, and they did not believe me one bit they said prove it, and the following day I did, and the look on their faces made me laugh all the time. Mom and dad asked if he could teach them too, and after a few weeks, we started spending more and more time with Mr. Sid (the old man). Then one night we received terrible news that my parents and I had to go to Egypt, and I was heartbroken, but I could not do anything, so I listened to my parents and started placing all my stuff, and in a few hours, we were at the airport. Just as we were getting on the plane, we got horrible news that burnt my broken heart to ashes Mr. Sid had died because he was in his 90s and had health issues, and he left his 13 million dollars to us, excuse me, but Mr. Sid did not have a lot of money I said to the police officers giving us the news, and they said he was a multi-millionaire. Me, mom, and dad all stood in shock. Fast forward a few weeks, we moved into a crazy big mansion. I liked life, but I missed my old life. I missed my friends and old house. So then, I figured out the meaning of home. Home is the place where you say your first word and take your first step. It is where one becomes nostalgic. It is where the people you love are present. I had left my home to live in a big house with money. Soon I realised my mistake and had to make things right. After days and days of begging, my parents finally decided to move back and give the money to charity and sell the mansion. And as for school, I got an A+ because I was the only one to find the answer to the true meaning of home. That's it for now. Bye!!!


Grade 4

cambridge, Ontario

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