Home is
Home is a place to be safe, happy and healthy
A place where you don't have to fit in or be stealthy.
A place you can be you and not have to be silenced,
A place to flourish and to grow
A place to be heard but also know
That home is a place to get knowledge and learn
A house is a place with four walls and a roof,
But a home is a place to get love and comfort
A place to hold all the memories which cant be stolen,
A place to cherish.
A place to have,
A place to hold
A place to love
A place to know,
A place you can call your own.
A place to make mistakes.
No bandaids can patch the holes in our hearts when our family is torn apart.
Face it, we need each other.
I see now that not everybody has a place to have, a place to hold,
Not even a place to be sheltered from the hot and cold.
I want people to love somewhere and to call it their own.
Habitat for humanity will give them a chance to realize how much they have missed all along,
I hope and wish them the best of luck along the long windy road they have ahead of them.
Thank you habitat for humanity. Everybody deserves a home.
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