If you ask me what home means, I will say home means...
It means a place that has love, care and kindness
A house is made with 4 walls and cement, home is made with memories
A house is a place with a roof a home is where you come from and see your beauty-full mother
A house is where the t.v is a home it is where your family is
A house is a building a home is where you come hungry and you get delicious food from your big kitchen
A house is made with a garden home is made with a sitting room that is so comfortable
A house is where you are alone a home is where you feel happy to feel safe
A house looks weird a home looks beautiful
A house is what your neighbours judge you with a home are where you get a complement
A house is with no noise a home is where you argue with your sibling you do not feel alone
A house is a structure a home is where you can have your personal space have a nice read
A house from the inside is boring a home is so fun and beautiful