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Home- A base for life!

Home sweet home is the place to find happiness if one doesn’t find it here, one doesn’t it anywhere –M.K.Soni Hello, I am Ananya and today I will be talking about the importance of our homes. Home does not have to be a huge palace but it can be anywhere to the icy frozen Antarctic and the hottest melting desert. A home is a place where you are loved and cared for, a place to keep you warm in the howling winter and dry on the pouring days. Home fulfills all our needs; it keeps a roof on our heads. Home does not have to be a dream house but can be anywhere. A famous monk named Tenzin Palmo stayed in the Himalayas in a cave through the harsh winter. The cave she proceeded to live in was 10 feet wide and 6 feet deep. Despite many hardships and life-threatening experiences, Tenzin Palmo thrived in her solitary spiritual practice and lived in the cave for 12 years This proves that home does not have to be a luxury concrete building It would be very difficult if one does not have a home. I remember, a few months ago a mama duck and her babies flew over and it started raining badly. The ducks were soon soaked to the skin. If they had a home at that time they would not have gotten wet. Another example is about the poor homeless who sleep on the trains at night. They have no home and have to find shelter. Therefore always be grateful for home because billions do not have one. So love your house and always cherish it.


Grade 4

Scarborough, Ontario

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