Your Home is your Safety Place: A Poem
Home is where you make memories and happiness.
When you are in a home you are safe with a family.
A house can be anything: an old folks home, a foster home, a trailer, an apartment, a side by side, a normal house, a store house, a little house, etc.
Your home is your safety place when you get hurt at school or when you are sad if a family member passes away.
You love your home even when you go to heaven
Your home is your home and it will be there when you are sad or mad, even when you die.
when you buy a home you make sure it is safe.
You have shelter for storms.
You need a home the homeless
I hope to make sure that you and your family are safe.
We all need homes, it does not matter if you think that they do not need a house. But what if it was you, you`ll be sad right? Because I would be. So people need a home. You can afford a home but they can`t. So please don`t be rude, help them. They`ll help you probably.