What Home Means To Me
Home to me is a place to stay permanently, not temporarily. Here are a few ideas
on what my next few paragraphs are about. My first one is about being safe at
home. My second paragraph is about home being peaceful. My third paragraph is
about having a loving family at home.
My first idea of what home means to me is safe to me is I am protected. My second
thought of what safe is to have my own room. My third and final idea on what safe
is to me would be a nice loving family. This is what I think the shelter would be like.
You would not have your own room. You would have a family. It would not be quiet
at all and I think you would be protected.
These are my ideas on what peaceful would be like at home. So my first idea is
quiet. My second idea on what peaceful means to me is I would have my cute puppy
Juno with me. My final idea on what is peaceful to me is there would be music
playing in the background. This is what I think peaceful at the shelter would be like.
My first idea would be very loud,people everywhere and you would have no privacy.
These are just a few of my ideas of a loving family at home and at the shelter. So
my first idea of a loving family is a pet.Grandparents living with you. Being loved
and a movie playing. These are my ideas on what a loving family at the shelter is
like. You would still be loved. You probably would not have a pet with you. Your
grandparents could or could not be living with you. And I don't think there would be
a lot of quiet time at the shelter.
A home is so much more different than living in a shelter. To me a home is
safe,peaceful and has a loving family within it.
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