Home.Home is where I feel safe loved and all kinds of happy emsones I feel safe because my family is there and is willing to pretend me if sometime was going to ever going to happen.I feel loved like when my mom alway says it to me or when I feel sad she will hug me and tell me everytime will be ok.I feel supported when I want to cut or dye my hair my mom will cut or dye it for me. In my home I can tell the truth. I don't have to say sometime to satisfy my family. I can say what I have done in my past to my family without having to be in baers. My family has given me love ,safety, support and trust. This is what my home is made out of. My house has a picture on the wall that says that a house is made of boards and beams. A home is made of love and dreams.I get to see that almost everyday and I love the feel of love busting in my heart. Because my house is where I laguft and have memories. I have support every day in this house. I get so much love and support. I can be myself at home. What home means to me is that I know I will move house but home is where people I love who are in a house. That is the meaning of home to me.
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