Meaning of Home
The meaning of home to me is family, memories and being safe. My family keeps me in check, and I appreciate them for that. Memories are what makes a home familiar, the safety that a home brings makes it feel comfortable, my family, memories and safety make home to me.
Home to me is not a building, home is where my family is, that could mean home to me is not the building that I live in. To me home is where my family calls home. When I play with my dog in our basement when she gets too loud, those kinds of moments with my family are what makes home, and no building can make my home feel like my home without my family.
Home to me is the memories that make the place that I call home. When I play a board game with my family inside my home I feel more comfortable in my home. Playing video games at 6:30 in the morning because my parents were not awake yet. Those memories make home.
Home to me can mean a lot of things, but to me one of the most important of those things is safety. Safety means feeling protected, and with my mom, dad and dog I feel the most protected I could ever be. I’m grateful to be in one of the safest countries in the world, home to me is a place where I feel safe.
Home is something that to me has to be safe, it has to have lots of amazing memories, and home has to have family. Those three things make home, home, the thing is some people don’t have that, and by writing this essay I hope to help someone find their home.
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