What home is to me
My house is gray with red bricks and a black roof,
Our black driveway is filled with basketballs, hockey nets and footballs,
The grass is covered in dog and deer poop with lots of snow,
Me and my dad like playing catch with a baseball in the backyard,
Sometimes I catch it and sometimes I drop it but usually I catch it,
Through my back door is the kids room with a Playstation 3,
Upstairs is me and my brother’s bedrooms and the TV room,
The middle floor is where my family plays board games,
The top floor is where my mom, dad and dog sleep,
My home sounds like creaking floors,
My brother playing Minecraft,
and my dog barking at my mom and dad,
My home sounds like water flowing from the bathroom upstairs,
My brother running up the stairs and then running back down.
My home smells like macaroni and pizza,
and the smell of the steam coming from the shower,
My home smells like my sweaty dad coming back from the gym,
My home smells like ham and Wagon Wheels
My home smells like my mom baking brownies,
My home smells like my dog.
My home taste like Pizza ,
My home taste like Chicken noodle soup and chicken pot pie,
My home taste like spaghetti,
My home paste like Chinese food ,
My home tastes like All Dressed Chips on a Friday night, nachos on Football Sundays and hot dogs on Blue Jays Opening Day.
My home feels cozy on a cold day,
My home feels like a wrestling ring with my brother and dog,
My home feels like Baking cookies with my mom,
My home feels warm and welcome to all my friends,
My home feels like my dog's soft fur.
Home is important to me.
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