Other words for HOME
I love home. Our family’s supporting whoever you want to be or whoever you ARE. Home filled with LOVE and CARE will help create your core memories, or perhaps connect to your very own unique culture. Independence needs to occur to guide you to step out into the WORLD and explore new things. Maybe blessed with children or siblings… not everything can change right away, but help is OK to ask for. “Family is like branches on a tree. We grow in different directions. Yet the roots stay as one.” Everyone needs a place to call home yet not everyone has one. Small changes can make BIG things happen, it just takes time. I’ve learned that people forget what you SAID, people will forget what you DID, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Emotions shouldn’t be kept in, or held prisoner. Everyone cries sometimes in their life. Emotions, everyone will always carry around like an invisible bag, but those emotions can fall out and that’s ok. No one can take our home away. Home will always be with you no matter how much apart, or stuck with a life that isn’t yours. You need someone’s wings to let you fly, but those wings can’t always forever continue nor the bird won’t speak, fade away but always with you.
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