The Meaning of Home

The Meaning of Home By: Kevin Wang When I think of home, I think of my family. Home is where I feel most comfortable because I will not be judged there, it is where I have laughed, cried, and learnt. Home is where we all fail and grow. This is where we comfort our fears and overcome them to become a better person. Home is where I learnt math and where I learnt to draw. It is a place where I can become myself. Home is part of my soul, it is wherever I am. A home doesn't need to be a house, a home could be a van, or a housetruck. A house can be taken from you, but a home always stays where your family and your favourite objects are. Your home address and building might change but your home will stay the same. A home doesn't need to be humongous or tiny, neither does it need to be new or old. A home needs to be a place for motivation for people to learn, it also needs to be a safe place, a place to have no worry in your heart. I feel bad for all the people without a proper home. By being united in efforts to make a change and by contributing to this change by writing, we can make a curve for the better by helping to provide a sense of ‘home’ to those in need.


Grade 6

Vancouver, British Columbia

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