The meaning of home
Home has a different meaning to everyone. For some people it could mean joy, happiness, gleefulness or it could also mean sadness, gloominess, and depression. But the meaning of home for me is family, safety and my childhood.
When I am thinking of home the first thing that comes to my mind is family. To me family means fun, love, comfort, safety, my parents, siblings and my pets!! Without a family and my cats I don't know what I would do. For example when I got my second cat, Bubbles, me, my dad, my sister, and my brother were so happy. I went on the couch and she immediately came on to me and started sleeping in my lap. That's what family feels like!
For me, safety is an important part of home. If my home did not have safety I do not think i would be able to live there. Safety always comes first! Safety also comes with comfort, a nice place to sleep, eat or in another word “shelter”. So having a nice house with warmth and everything else I stated is really important.
When I think about childhood I think right back to the meaning of home. Childhood has many meanings like, trips, unforgettable memories, fun, scents and more! I remember back when I was little I would always go outside. In the morning and at night, in the winter and in the summer! I would wake up at 6:00 in the morning and I would go into my parents bedroom to beg them to let me go outside. They would always say no so I went back to my room and started to play with my toys, until they got up and let me outside to play with my toys outside, the mud and everything!
In conclusion, the meaning of home is very different for everyone! To me it means family, safety and childhood but to you it can mean different things! Now that you know the meaning of home is to me, what is the meaning of home to you?
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