Lots of people think home is really their Home because there are hugs and kisses, well not for me. For me Home is the outdoors.
I just feel at peace when I am playing soccer or biking. Home is walking my dog in the snow while feeling the sunshine on my back. Home is also going on long bike rides with my dog Sadie and my dad.
Speaking of biking, that is my next topic. I love going biking with my dad and my cousins,learning to be more careful when my bike got run over by a train. Also like going on hikes with my cousins.
Another thing Home means to me is camping and biking to the sand hills where my cousins and I buried a dead bird who we named Sky. We also like catching frogs there. Then after we would jump off the sand cliffs we would go to the dam. Once my Cousin Jesse and I saw a tortoise at the dam, then went back to the cabin to have hotdogs and s’mores. Then in the morning eating pancakes and breakfast sausage.
Home to me is also playing soccer at school or on a team and getting the second place medal, or at least trying my hardest and having fun. Home is also learning new things like backflips, skating, and learning from my mistakes.
Home doesn’t necessarily have to be your actual Home it can be the outdoors like me. And that is what Home is to me.