Home Sweet Home

To me the meaning of home is a place where you build memories and feel safe, a place where you have someone at home that loves you, and a place where you can be yourself. I feel everyone should have a safe and stable place to call home. I know not everyone is able to have one because of divorced parents or not living with your real family, moving a lot or not living in a safe neighborhood. It is really helpful to have a stable, safe and loving home for the children or family members that live with them. It helps the mindset and attitude of that person and it helps them at school with their learning and education. And if you work it helps with the work ethic, consistency, and responsibility. In my life I have always had a safe, stable and loving family home that I miss very much since we sold our house and moved. When we moved it was not because we wanted to, it was because my grandparents did not give us enough privacy. After we had asked them multiple times to just call before they came up. Where I live now I do not consider it my home because we are renting. It is hard to call something yours when it does not belong to you. We do not have the freedom we used to and we have no privacy anymore. I thought it was bad for privacy at our old house. I guess I was wrong, it is way worse at our rental. But I am thankful that my home is still safe and stable. Those are the reasons for what a home means to me and why I think it is important to have a place to call yours. Thank you!


Grade 6

Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia

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