What Home Means to Me
Home is where you can be safe, but some don't even have a home. They can't be loved like others, and they can't feel safe or warm. Home is where I make special memories with the people I care about. If you asked me what the difference between a home and a house was, I would tell you that there was no difference that they were the same thing. When I moved to Kelowna and started to fall in love with the city and then you asked me what the difference between a house and a home was. I would tell you everything and here's what I would tell you…
We got to see are Aunty Dee, Uncle Chris, and baby cousin almost every day, it was so much fun. Our family bought a boat and spent every single day of summer on it. Summer was the best in our new house we went surfing, swimming, tubing, biking, drinking lemonade, eating my famous guacamole, playing at the park, going to the beach, and playing on the waterpark. It was the best summer I probably have ever had, and it was even better because I got to spend it with my family. After summer me and my brother went into grade five and my little sister went into grade two, we both have the best teachers ever. Then after first term it was winter break. There was only two weeks until Christmas and we were having the best time of are lives we were going skating on our ice rink that our dad made us, we were going sledding, we were drinking hot coco, we were sucking on candy canes, we were building snow forts, and we were going skiing. Our family was having a blast all winter long. For Christmas our family got a little kitten her name is Lulu, and she is a ragdoll. Christmas was the best it was so much fun! If you asked me what a house was compared to a home, I would tell you that a house was four walls and a roof, and a home was the memories that you share with others. My family and home mean the world to me, and I am so lucky to be with them every day! Remember to care about your home because some don’t have one. A special thanks to Habitat for Humanity they help build homes and when entering The Meaning of Home contest, you are donating ten dollars. Let's all be very thankful for how lucky we are to live in a home. I love home and my family, so I hope you love your home and family too?
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