What home means to me
To me, a home is a safe place. I could say all my secrets to my family like if I had a bad day, I would tell my family about it. And I could ask for advice and they would give it to me so what I am saying is that home means trust and to make a home. And to make a home you need to make new memories. Or to make a home you need to add all your décor and pictures or stuff that reminds you of your old memories but sometimes it is good to make new memories and if you have bad memories u just need to get about them and make new memories. So anyway, I think that if u were to try to make your old memories.
So, what home means to me is that it is kind of about family but in a way that at the same time you don’t realize that one day you could maybe lose someone special that you love so what I am saying is the main thing that home means to me is love, family, and trust and if you do not have that then what do you have?
Or also how you may sometimes get mad you should always make up. And that is because family is all you have so if you ever lose a member, it's like your whole world just let your soul. So, I have one question what does home mean to you
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