What Home Means To Me

Home means somewhere special. It is filled with love because you are with the people you care for. A home is a safe, relaxing and comfortable place. A home has so many memories and I couldn't imagine all your memories just got wiped away because you became homeless. You would have to leave your home and all the memories in it. I would be devastated. A home is a place you want to come back to everyday, but for some people they don’t have a home to come back to. A lot of people have lost their homes because of Covid-19, health issues, job losses, and addictions. In this time rent has gotten more expensive and a lot of people don’t have enough money to pay for housing so they have become homeless. You can see people on the side of the road in boxes and tents and that is their home. That is not good living conditions and no one should have to live like this. It may seem like the end of the world but anything you do to help would be appreciated. A little money, some food or even a nice smile. It means a lot to them to know someone is here. Something you can do to help is donate or volunteer to habitat for humanity. They help homeless people build a new home. I think everyone should deserve a home. A home is a stable and special place.


Grade 5

Hubbards, Nova Scotia

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