The Meaning of Home
What is home? Well, if one looks in a dictionary the answer would come out to be “A place where one lives permanently especially as a member of a family or household.” However, anyone who is actually living in one would be dead against this. Since they would know that such a term would go way beyond its unpretentious description. A home is an impassioned aspect filled with not only sentimental values, but memories too.
A home is not just a structure built to live in; in fact that’s a definition of a house. Home is a place where one feels comfort, happiness, joy, love and community. Nevertheless, home doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a building, because if friends are the family you choose then family can be your chosen home. Home is not built by bricks or wood but built by a strong bond, whether that be family or friends. Your home is a construction site for bonding with people, but you don’t want to build walls no one can climb over. Just bridges people can cross over. If a person could have everything in the world, it would mean nothing if he/she has no one to share it with. There are people within our reach that are in need of help, and in need of a home. Everyone deserves to be sheltered, protected and loved.