What Home is to me

To me, home is a feeling, not a place. It’s a feeling where you can just relax and be you. It’s a feeling that you belong, and that people love you. It’s a place you can customize and make it you. For example if you were to buy a house, and you found one that you like, when you go in, it’s going to be an empty house. No furniture, no clothes in the closets, no bedsheets on the beds, no decorations, pictures, or books. To make it your house, you have to put your stuff in it, and decorate it to your liking. That’s what makes that house that you bought a home. A house and a home are the same thing to some people, but to me, they aren’t. a house, is a building that someone lives in. a home, is a place where someone feels comfortable, belonged, happy, and has fun. If you don’t like being at your house, then maybe your home is somewhere else. Maybe it’s at school, with your friends, playing a sport with your friends, a certain place outside that you love to be. To me, that home is a place where you can always come and go, and people will always be people there, ready to comfort you if something goes wrong, people who want to help you, people who want to play with you and see you everyday as you come home from school, or work, or a playdate, and are always open for hugs. People who care if you get hurt or are crying. People who want to see you smile everyday. To walk in your home, and have that feeling, is the best feeling almost anyone could have. Everyday when I get home from school, I am so happy that I get to be free in my house, free to do whatever I want (okay, not everything, there are rules) and feel lucky. Lucky that we have a car, house, bed, books, and toys. Lucky that I have a good home. That I belong to a family. That is what home means me.


Grade 5

Victoria, British Columbia

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