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Home is a Lot of Different Things

The meaning of home could mean a lot of different things but this is what it means to me… Home is a happy and loving place It’s where you make memories! Home is the place where you grow up! Home makes you feel cozy inside and makes you feel happy! I bet you’ve had many birthdays there and remember all the fun times! The fun you can have it’s unlimited! You can play hide and seek, you can play board games, you can invite people over and have loads of fun! You get to celebrate holidays with your family! You can watch movies and have a great movie night! Home is the place where you make new friends probably online though. Home is where you play with your siblings if you have any! Because one time I was bored and I asked my brother to play answer did! It was so fun we played this game we like and we have played often ever since and it’s been so fun! Also I got a trampoline in summer and it was so fun all I ever wanted to do was go home and play! Well That’s meaning of home to me!


Grade 4

Kitchener, Ontario

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