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What Home Means to Me!

My home is: comfy, sometimes noisy, smells really good, and really warm. My home is comfy all around the house, my room, the living room, my parent's room, everywhere. My living room is really comfy because the carpet we have is really soft. Home means that you're safe, you're warm and you have a roof on top of your head. What I i'm saying is that, home is special becuase it brings your family together becuase if it's a boring, rainy day and your family is just really bored then you guys can do something together. My home is full of love and respect, My home is speical because if I didnt' have a home then I would be cold and hungry. My home always smells good becuase of my mom's food or when she makes banana bread, and most of the time we light up candles. My home is sometimes nosiy becuase of my brothers, they annoy me alot. Home is so speical that if I had to give up my toys just to keep my home, I would do it. That is what home means to me.


Grade 5

Windsor, Ontario

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