A home is not complete without laughter. With laughter comes inside jokes. Those inside jokes are things that bring up old fun times that you and your family had, and bring you closer with your family. It also makes no sense to the people around you even when you explain it.
Having fun is another important element of home. We often have game night because they make us laugh and smile. To have fun, we talk at the table after a big meal and we are so full that we cannot get up so we just sit and talk. We talk about the best part of our day or go on a walk around town.
Laughter is also an important element of home. To make that happen we goof around by doing little pranks. For example, if your sister or brother asks for coffee, make them hot chocolate or if they ask for hot chocolate make them coffee with whip cream on top. You can also do a fashion show or play games like house or firefighters. That is what makes us laugh.
In my opinion, the most important element of home is laughter because laughter brings so many good things into my life and at home. These are the things that make a house a home.
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