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Home feels like a comfortable place to relax and play around. Home is fun. Home is amazing. Some people like nature like me! It's amazing and it's fun! But sometimes I want to stay home all the time. Home is a chill place to think about stuff like school! Some people say home is boring that is kinda true. Some people like to see friends like me! But home is quiet except for my dogs they bark. I love my home. It's nice but I have to take care of my mom. She has MS and drop foot! But home is like my art space and my job is to take care of the house. My home is like a mansion to me and I love it! We have 4 BATHROOMS! Isn't that crazy we have 4 cats 2 dogs 4 snakes 2 lizards MILLIONS OF FISH they keep on having babies! Home is nice to get creative and do projects with family! Home is a great place to bake! Home is a nice place! Family in a home is fun and you can make good memories!


Grade 4

Airdrie, Alberta

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