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I feel welcome in my home because my mom bakes for me sometimes. I love my home because I have two very nice neighbours. I met some of my friends in my neighbourhood. It’s well taken care of and it makes me feel comfortable. I’m grateful for my home because it’s filled with joy. I celebrate a lot of holidays . It keeps me warm which I'm grateful for. Home provides me with food, clean water, and clean water to clean me! It also prevents me from using WIFI. It gives me luxurious comfort, which allows me to be myself. If I were to move, I’d of course be disappointed, but I’d always remember the joyful and amazing memories the house brought me. If I didn’t have a house I wouldn’t be able to watch televison. I love my house because it keeps my car warm in my garage and then I don’t freeze in the morning. I learn by being in my home. And I also met my little brother in my home! Home is relaxing and quiet, if your little brother isn’t screaming at the top of his lungs. I watch YouTube at my house. I’m allowed to invite my friends over to my house. I get to paint my walls. I get to chill in my house. It’s loving because of all the picture frames. I’m allowed to be loud . My home is awesome because it’s loved. And sometimes I go out in the backyard if there isn’t snow everywhere. My rooms always clean when I get home. I have chores to do. I’m allowed to hang posters or picture frames on my wall. Whenever I walk in the house I get whacked with my dogs tail and that's only a welcoming. I get told stories that make me laugh. I get visited at my home. I love my home.


Grade 4

Airdrie, Alberta

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