Home is a powerful word that can mean so many things. It can mean different things to different people. There is also a difference between a house and a home. If you live in a house, it is a home, if someone else lives in a house then that is also a home. There is a difference. A house is not just walls and a roof home is always more. No matter if it is big or small a home is a home. No matter where you live, home should be a place where you feel comfortable. You should also feel safe, protected and loved. At home no one should judge you. I think everyone should have a place where they feel comfortable, safe, protected and loved. No matter what you do, home always finds a place in your heart. You normally live with the people that are closest to you. Homes are the places you make your greatest memories. A home is a place where you are sheltered. Your home is wherever your family is. People will leave their homes eventually, I will leave my home. But home wherever I go wherever everyone your home will stay in your heart no matter what and nothing can ever change that. So, no matter what size, shape or design a home is a home no matter what!!!
I wrote this essay hoping that others might be able to find a home just as great as mine. ❤❤❤
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