What Does Home Mean to Me?

Home, home feels like a relaxing and nice place, and lots of love. Homes are a nice shelter above you, it’s a place that your family tries to provide for you and your family. Homes are a nice place that a lot of people take for granted which is not good. Some homes are bigger than others and some are smaller. No matter the size love will always be equal in a home. There is tons of love with caring people and sometimes it is not respectful, but when you walk into a home you feel like a good person when someone looks at you with love in their eyes. Homes are a place that might be small from an apartment to a mansion maybe even an air b&b home, but you can always feel safe in your home. Homes are always a nice place from broken to perfect nice to bad no matter how it looks people care for you in there more than ever even though they might not always look like they do. People in your home can push you to your limits. Your home will always be full of people trying to make you get to your best. Sometimes it’s just you in your home but it’s still full of memories and love. Home can be 4x4ft or 300x200 ft, there’s never a size that can’t have love. Homes are a nice place with nice people that can love you and you can love them. It’s not a job to care about people, it’s just part of being a person. Homes are always full of love from all ages and all creatures from dogs to people. Homes are love and love is family. Family is life.


Grade 6

Halifax, Nova Scotia

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