Home to Me

Home to me is a place where I can have all the feelings, mentally, physically and emotionally. I can have these feelings because I am safe at home. Most of the time at home I'm happy but sometimes sad. For example last Christmas I got a phone I was so happy that I cried, and I also got my headphones. A sad moment though was my mom gets upset with me. Another emotion I experience at home is anger. One time I was so angry at my mom I kicked a hole through my wall. Another emotion is weirdness now. As my friends know, I am very weird. I do not have examples, because there are too many. Basically, I can experience all the emotions. Home is also a place to me where I can get away from all of the bad things outside my home. It makes me feel warm, cozy, nice, calm, and happy. Even though sometimes I rage and break stuff, home is always welcoming me back. It is important for me to have a home.


Grade 6

Kelowna, British Columbia

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