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What Home Means To Me

Home is where we live, work, sleep and play. This is also the place where I stay. First we lived in a tiny, crowded apartment where there was noise. Then we moved when I started to feel safe. Then we moved into a detached house near a big school. I got happy when I realized I had my own room. Home is where it is safe. Home is very big for my family. So I am lucky to have a home while many people don’t even have a house. So, donate to Habitat for Humanity so people can afford getting a home. 3 cheers for Habitat for Humanity. Home is where we live while a House is a shelter. We say “Home, Sweet, Home” not “House, Sweet, House”.Home is not a House because a house can be anything and a Home can be cozy. Home is where memories are kept. Home is where we are happy. Let's be happy for whatever we get. Home stands for: H - Happiness O - Open to me M - Memories E - Extraordinary


Grade 5

Kanata, Ontario

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