The Meaning of Home
Everyone usually has memories of home. If I were to ask you what home means you would usually say your house: a box with walls, a ceiling, doors, and floors. This may be a house but is it a home?
Home is not really about your house. It could be to you but to me it is more of a feeling like being wanted or the feeling of being loved. That feeling makes me happy and that is one of the things that makes home a a home to me. Like when your parents and siblings remember something important.
The biggest thing that makes a home a home to probably all of us is the people we spend it with “Our family” for me this means my cats laying on my bed when I get home and my parents that I watch movies with all the time. It even means my annoying little sister that most of the time I hate but love. Without her home would not feel like home.
Home is a place you always return to. Let's say you went to a place that you have never gone to before like Mexico. You may stay there for ,2 weeks, a month, 6 months or however long you would want! However, at the end of the trip, you go back home. You may go on a vacation, but you could get bored of it. You will never get bored of home because that’s your home, it’s the place you feel safe, a place you love and a place you know.
I love my home. I will never get bored of it, nor of my family. My town is pretty lame, but I love it because its my happy place with the people I love.
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