Meaning of Home
The meaning of home.
The meaning of home : Home is somewhere safe and warm, A house : a house is a structure
people live in, But many don't even have a house, But, a home, Is different, A home is a
Place to live, to sleep and be safe. Because, if you can't afford a house and are homeless,
You have choices, Build homes out of sticks, wood or dirt or just live on the streets.
Home makes me think about my family, but sometimes, you don't have a family to be with
Sometimes, homes are different, it could be cold, uncomfy and not safe, but some people dont
have anywhere to go, because of slavery, natural disasters and more.
Some people even live
In the wild or on the mountains and even on islands. Home is like a light on a dark night or
Like a rare seashell on a clean beach, You are wanting to find a good home to live and stay in.
Sometimes, you will need to work to get what you want because, we dont live in heaven
That's why certain organizations like Habitat of Humanity help people that dont
have homes. Alot of people die because of this, roughly 13,000 people die from being
Homeless each year.
Sincerely, Stephania