Home Sweet Home
Home is an abode of peace and security not just a few blocks of wood, bricks or stone
Home is where you are loved and have protection
Home is where you belong and spend time with your friends and loving family
Home is where you grew up and made sweet and sad memories
Home is where you are free to celebrate your culture and language
Home is where there is no judgement and is a safe place to talk about your feelings
Home is where you can have great fun, laughter and joy
Home is where you get sweet dreams when you go to bed
Home is where you eat and sleep
Home is where you get comfort and the best hugs
Home is your creative space and shelter
Home is a safe place to make mistakes and try new things
Home is what everyone deserves and should have…isn’t it true?
H- Hugs
O- Owning security
M- Memories
E- Emotions
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