Home is a Blessing
Home to me means a place where you are safe, comfortable and loved. Like when you are here you know that you can be yourself, unwind for say an hour or two before going back to work.
Firstly, when I am home, I feel safe because I have a roof over my head, and walls around me too. And I have a door with locks windows that lock as well. But that is not the only few reasons why I feel safe in my home, what also makes me feel safe is my family around me. My mom, dad, sister, brother, and even my stepdad all makes me feel safe.
Secondly, in my house I feel comfortable because I know that I can be who I am, not think I must impress anyone else, wear what other people want me to wear, eat what people want me to eat. I do not need to feel like someone is constantly over my shoulder watching my every move.
Lastly, when I am home, I feel loved because of all the things I have near me. Like my parents, grandparents, and even great grandparents. My pets are 2 cats and 1 dog at my mother's. And one little puppy at my father's. I have a nice warm dinner every night. Also, a wonderful bed to sleep in.
Having someplace to go is HOME, having someone to love is FAMILY, having both is a BLESSING!
Zoey Richards
Grandview public school. Soult St. Marie ON CANADA
GR 6 (age) 11
Adress.43 market St
email. (rich5939@adsb.ca)
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