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What Home Means To Me

What home means to me. There are many meanings of a home but they all depend on each person's thought and how they think of their home. A home is a place where you should feel safe and loved. A home is a place where you can be yourself, home is somewhere you should be comfortable to talk to your family because you should never forget that they love you. Something that makes me feel at home is my room because I sleep there and it feels really cossy. Another thing that reminds me of home is the food. My mom makes the best food well in my opinion but the food reminds me how much she loves me because she stops her work and makes fresh food to feed to me and my family. After I come home from school I ask my mom what that smell is and she says it is home cooked food and I am so glad I have a mom that loves me so much and spends time with me. My older brother Humza loves me so much because he spends time with me and sometimes stops his university work to help me. My sister loves me very much too because most times she has plans with her friends and she cancels them to spend time with me to play with me, to help me with my work and cuddles. My dad loves me so much because he stops his work and helps me with math, science and social studies. Most houses are filled with your family (people who love you) , pets and a lot more. Family reminds me of home because they love me and they make me feel cared for because when I came to Canada I realized that family can be very different for different people. To me family had ment my uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents and great grandparents who would all get together for every little occasion. When I came from Pakistan to Canada I was not used to living here because when my birthday came I did not know how to celebrate because there was no family around where we lived and when it came to our traditional celebration I was sad because I missed my family and my home in Pakistan because normally i did it with my family in Pakistan. My 2 first cars in my whole life in Canada were my mini van and my audi Q5 and when my mom sells them I will ask her not to because it is a part of my home. Home is a place that loves you because it is your home. I really hope everyone has a good meaning for thier own home. I love my home. I really hope everyone loves their home.


Grade 5

Waterloo, Ontario

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